TELESCOPE AND ASTRONOMY EXHIBITION Enjoy stargazing and maybe want to build your own telescope? Own or want a telescope or related gadget, be it self-made or bought? Just enjoy talking astronomy and telescope making? Come to ASSAs annual Telescope & Astronomy Exhibition! Saturday, 18 May 2002 Starts at 10H00 and closes with a Star Party VENUE : SA Military History Museum (War Museum) 22 Erlswold Road, Saxonwold - next to the Zoo (Entrance Fee: Adults R5 Children R2, Senior Citizens R3)
The Auditorium talks & shows start at 10h00 and the presenters are: Barbara Cunow Galaxies Mike Gaylard - Radio Astronomy Jim Knight The Sun Case Rijsdijk SALT (South African Large Telescope) Bill Hollenbach - Comets and Asteroids Brian Fraser Eclipse Trevor Gould Meteors Chris Stewart - Introduction to Telescopes Dennis du Plooy - GPS overview Frik le Roux Eclipse Dave Gordon - "What's up" in the sky tonight There will be a wide range of interesting exhibits, including: Self-made and commercial telescopes, a portable radio telescope, scopes with filters to look at sunspots and flares, a solar scope to project sunspots, a model of SALT, meteor display, special optics, astrophotography exhibits by amateurs. There will be goods to buy: Telescopes and accessories, back-copies of Sky and Telescope, T-shirts and Caps, do-it-yourself planispheres. And competitions: Try your hand at launching a water bottle rocket Buy a Raffle to win binoculars! CONTACT US:
MAIL US AT: ALSO VISIT http://www.angelfire.com/de/evyn/ http://home.mweb.co.za/mw/mwgringa/