Johannesburg Centre, Astronomical Society of Southern Africa

AS&TS and the Observatory site.  

Our landlords at the observatory, AS&TS, have been trying to sell the property for a number of years.  At the moment they are reviewing their position and considering various options regarding the site :-

1. Sell the site and move elsewhere.
2. Sell the site but stay on as a tenant.
3. Develop the site for their own use.
4. Develop the site and rent out the facilities.
5. Embark on a joint venture with an education body to set up a Science Education facility on the site.
6. Some variation of the above options.

Their task is complicated by a number of factors :-

1. They have committed themselves to supporting the new Electric Workshop venture in Newtown.
2. There are restrictions on the site which limit development, e.g., no new buildings on the ridge, the roads are declared servitudes to adjoining sites, etc.
3. Various buildings on the site are ‘Historical’ buildings (over 50 years old) and may not be altered without the permission of The National Monuments Council, who have agreed to declare some of the buildings and/or the entire site as a National Monument.

AS&TS will be having a big meeting in July and have appointed a sub-committee to draw up recommendations regarding the observatory site.  We have presented a proposal which was welcomed by the vice-president and have had, and are continuing to have, discussions regarding the site.

In the end, a large factor in the decision is the little question of money.  Although the Transvaal centre still enjoys the use of the facilities on the site we should not become complacent about the issue.  There is the possibility that we would have to move, if the site were sold to a body who was not sympathetic to our needs.

Brian Fraser

Hits since October 2003: Hit Counter  

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