Enjoy stargazing and maybe want to build your own telescope?
Own or want a telescope or related gadget, be it self-made or bought?

Come to ASSA’s annual Telescope & Astronomy Exhibition!

Saturday, 10 May 2003

9am to 9pm (Star Party from 6pm)

VENUE: SA Military History Museum - Johannesburg

22 Erlswold Road, Saxonwold (Entrance Fee: Adults R10, Children and Senior Citizens R5)

There will be self-made and commercial telescopes and accessories on display and to buy, lectures, mirror-making demonstrations, books and a raffle with great prizes.

Check-out the website for more detail or call 082 650 8002.

The venue also caters for the not-so astronomically inclined members of the family: the Johannesburg Zoo is next door and the Museum itself boasts a Gun Park with displays of 20th Century artillery, tanks, planes and other interesting military exhibits.
