
At this time of the year, we have normally started to feel the days becoming a little cooler as we "pass through" the Autumnal equinox on our way to the clear skies of Winter. This year , however, many of us have wondered if perchance we were just arriving at mid-Summer with blazing temperatures sometimes well into the 30's. It appears as though we have had the old Chinese curse placed upon us and are indeed "living in strange times".

The above observation notwithstanding, we are presenting you with a bumper "Autumn" issue of Canopus, with a lot of articles from you, our readers.

Our regular contributors, Danie, Bill, Eben and Brian, have been joined by Chris Stewart, who has provided an excellent article on observing matter moving faster than light, and Eric Brindeau and Peter Baxter, who have submitted another Southern Sky Star Hopping guide to cover the sky over the next two or three months. They are going to attempt to provide us with quarterly SSSH articles and this is much appreciated. Danie has written on the recurrent Nova U Sco, and this appears as our Variable of the Month. Brian has, as always, given us the Sky happenings for the next two months, and has submitted an update on our Telescope making class. Bill keeps us up-to-date on some of NASA's high profile projects including WIRE and DS1, and Eben has given two articles, one an update to his previous Mars article and another on the recent close (apparent of course) passing of Venus and Jupiter.

Hmmmm…..no letters to the Editors this month..…(we feel unloved, unwanted and insecure).
Well…maybe next Month!

The Editors

Chris chris@aqua.co.za,
Ray   rbarbour@liberty.co.za
Lori   barbour@global.co.za

 The 1998/99 Committee of the Johannesburg Centre