Letters to the Editors

The Blue Moon Question

While discussing the Blue Moon situation, one of my colleagues suggested the following origin for the phrase.

In the good old days, when calendars carried lunar information, it was noticed that a month had two full moons. In order to separate the two events, the second symbol was printed in BLUE in place of the usual black.

It's as good a reason as any other.

Melvyn Hannibal.

Sounds pretty reasonable to us, Melvyn. Some more digging around on our part seems to confirm your discussions with your colleagues. Any more theories anyone?
The Editors.


Dear Editors

At the risk of seeming a nit-picking old curmudgeon, may I point out that, if you received one letter and had none in the previous month, the percentage increase is not 100 but is infinite?

The above is just an excuse to be able to tell you that CANOPUS is an interesting read and that I am glad that people are starting to correspond with the Editors.

Contributions from locals are so much more interesting than material received from agencies or lifted from the astronomical press. I think that Eben's articles on the maths of relativity are great.


Danie Overbeek.

Hmmmm…I guess infinite is even better than 100% - arithmetic was never my strong point.
One of the Editors.