February is with us once again - and Orion is well set for evening viewing. The Great Nebula in the sword of Orion is always magnificent and if you have the right equipment, the Horsehead Nebula is yours to capture, either on film or electronically.
NEAR had a near-miss and is due to re-attempt orbit insertion around Eros, sometime around the end of December or early January next year…in space exploration time and timing is always a key factor, as of course are limitations imposed by the amount of available fuel.
Brian has supplied us with the Sky happenings for February and March and we have the final episode of Eben van Zyl's Relativity presentation. Bill Wheaton has given us, as always, an excellent article. This month he writes on the Wide Field InfraRed Explorer ( WIRE ), and Danie revisits an old friend - UW Cen - which has been behaving somewhat strangely over the last little while.
Another appeal for articles - we published an excellent article a few months back on some deep sky objects, together with the applicable star charts. These were quite well received and we would like to do some more of these articles, and of course from the same authors ( hint…hint ).
We also have another letter to the Editors - this is a 100% increase to the previous total…Wow!
We say a hearty Thank You to Committee Member Wolf Lange who has agreed to fill the post as Centre Secretary for the balance of the year.
The Editors
Chris chris@aqua.co.za,
Ray rbarbour@liberty.co.za
Lori barbour@global.co.za