"Star" Hopping
Connect the following celestial objects. The chain is formed by each name being followed by another name that starts with the letter its predecessor ended with. E.g. if we were to link the following Lunar Craters: Cassini, Sharp, Tycho, Zugut, Oken, Prinz and Isidorus we would get: Cassini, Isidorus, Sharp, Prinz, Zugut, Tycho, Oken.
To make it easier the start and end of each chain are specified, and we have tried as far as possible to keep similar objects grouped together.
Acamar Al Dahanab Algieba Alkaid Alniyat
Alphard Ananke Aries Bug Clairaut
Dabih Denebola Despina Diphda Dumbbell
Eagle Eight-Burst Electra Enif Eskimo
Formalhaut Gay-Lussac Ghost of Jupiter Haratan Hypatia
Kaus Australus Keyhole Lesath Merope Mirphak
Naiad Nunki Oberon Ophiuchus Orion
Ras Alhague Reichenbach Reticulum Rigel Rosette
Sadalsuud Sadr Saggitta Sargas Sculptor
Shaula Telesto Triesnecker Trifid Zozma
Gutenberg |
Arago |
Juliet |
Elara |
Dorado |
Mensa |
Coal-sack |
Lagoon |
Crab |
North America |
Alpheratz |
Tarazed |
Graffias | ... | Izar | ||||
Mesartim | Bellatrix | |||||
Alnilam | Taygete | |||||
Propus |
Hamal |