Aloe Ridge Observatory
How would you like to have the use of a 16-inch Meade telescope - computer controlled with CCD camera, video camera, computer and just about everything you could wish for? You would? Well there is one that has just been installed north of Johannesburg and it is available for you to use.
If you go north along DF Malan drive and travel about 4km past the Pretoria-Krugersdorp highway, you will come to a dirt road on the left that leads, about 5km further on, to the Aloe Ridge Hotel, game reserve and conference centre. The owner of the place, Alex Richter has just built an observatory onto the side of the hotel and equipped it with a 16-inch Meade telescope. There is a CCD camera and a video camera. The whole thing is attached to computer and it is possible to project images directly onto a large screen in a dining room overlooking a gorge some 100 metres from the observatory.
Alex is planning on doing a number of things with this telescope. Firstly, he plans to have guests come out, have dinner, see the observatory then have a talk and "show" in the dining room, given by one of the members of the Astronomical Society, who will drive the telescope and discuss the objects projected onto a large screen. The presenter has full control of the telescope from the dining room and can direct it to any object in the sky.
Secondly, he plans to make the telescope available for remote control. The telescope is attached to a computer which will be attached to the Internet and have its own web site. Images taken at the telescope during the dinner shows will be accessible on the computer and you will be able to dial in and access them from your home. Also, once the evening dinner shows are over you will be able to dial in and use the telescope to look at anything you like. This facility will be available to anybody anywhere in the world and will be charged out on an hourly basis.
The 3-star hotel is situated in a beautiful setting surrounded by a game reserve stocked with rhino, hippo, giraffe, buffalo and many other game species. There is a strong river that runs through the area and the hills and gorges are covered with lush vegetation. It is about 50 km from Johannesburg centre and sufficiently remote to enjoy reasonable dark skies free from pollution.
A couple of technical guys were out here at the end of August to commission the telescope so by the time you read this the observatory will probably be up and running. Some of the members of the society were able to go out to the launch party and came away very impressed with the facilities.
If you are interested in going out there, giving talks or using the telescope then please contact Chris Penberthy at 793-7480.
Brian Fraser