Hermes is found

After eluding astronomers for 66 years, the long-lost asteroid Hermes has finally been retrieved.

Early on October 15th, Brian A. Skiff (Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search, Arizona) sent measurements of four CCD images obtained with the 23-inch Catalina Schmidt telescope to the Minor Planet Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.  At the center, Timothy B. Spahr identified the suspect with other measurements submitted in the past seven weeks -- but not recognized as unusual -- by LONEOS and by the Lincoln Near Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR) project in New Mexico.  In addition, quick action by James Young (Table Mountain Observatory, California) secured a confirmation just before dawn on the  15th.

Judging by its brightness, Hermes is a minor planet about 1 to 2 kilometers across.  So it could be somewhat larger than the 1937 estimates.  In a famous exhibit at the American Museum of Natural History, New York, Hermes was depicted as a sphere about the size of Central Park.

Hermes is by no means the last of the "lost asteroids" -- many thousands of others in the Minor Planet Center's database fall in this category because they could not be followed long enough for an accurate orbit to be determined. But Hermes is by far the most famous. It was discovered by Karl Reinmuth at Heidelberg, Germany, on October 28, 1937, and tracked for only five days.

Although never officially numbered, it has been known by the name Hermes ever since.

In late October 2003, Hermes will be bright enough (magnitude 13) to be seen in 8-inch and larger amateur telescopes as it races westward across Cetus, Pisces, and Aquarius.  By month's end it will be moving 7 degrees per day and gaining.

Unlike the situation in 1937, when Hermes skimmed to within 800,000 km of our planet (two Earth-Moon distances), it will pass about nine times that far on November 4, 2003.

Nevertheless, the possibility of future close encounters definitely puts this object in the PHA (potentially hazardous asteroid) class.

Submitted by Brian Fraser