The Johannesburg Centre
of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa


1. Welcome

The chairman Mr. Constant Volschenk, welcomed all members present.

2. Apologies

Apologies were received from Dr C Flanagan and Mr. G Jacobs

3. Minutes of previous AGM

The minutes of the previous AGM were read and accepted unanimously.

Proposed: C Penberthy Seconded: Mr. E Finlay

4. Chairman's Report

The outgoing chairman stated that membership of the Centre at the end of the 1997/8 year was 143, the membership for the 1998/9 year stands at 125, at a net loss of 18 members.

Speakers during the year included:

Tom Budge                  "Winter Skies"    at the Planetarium
Tim Cooper                  "Observing Comets and Meteorites"
Eben van Zyl                  "Maths of Einstein"
Tony Voorvelt          "The Physics Magic Show"     at Wits .
Tony Hilton                  "Computers in Astronomy"
Constant Volschenk "The History- of the Observatory"
Tom Budge                  "Leaving Planet Earth"
Gil Jacobs                  "The equation of time"    at the Planetarium

The meetings attracted an average of 40 persons (members and visitors).

The Centre conducted two field trips - to the Boyden Observatory in Bloemfontein in July and to Swinburne in August. '

The committee wanted to introduce a beginner's course in Astronomy but since only two members indicated that they were interested it was agreed to shelve it for the meantime.

The Centre was invited and participated in two hobby fairs.

Two telescope driving courses were offered in April and May to members.

Telescope making classes continued under the able supervision of Mr. B Fraser.

In conclusion a number of people and organisations were thanked for their individual contributions to the Centre throughout the year:

The Editors of Canopus, C Penberthy and R & L Barbour, for the stunning newsletter.

John Scott of Parktown Boys High for allowing us to use their facilities for the telescope making class.

Brian Fraser for his time in conducting the telescope making classes.

Ed Finlay for keeping our kitchen facilities in workable clean order and keeping the fridge stocked. .

Chris Penberthy for updating the Centre's Web pages.

The Johannesburg Planetarium for sponsoring the photocopies of the monthly night-sky charts.

Lastly a very big thanks to all the members of the Centre - without you there would be no Johannesburg Centre

Proposed: E van Zyl Seconded: E Finlay

5. Treasurers Report

A detailed statement of Income and Expenditure was presented, reflecting a closing balance of R13 428.42

Balance in current account R 135.09
Balance in call account R14 442.81
Cash float - telescope making R 134.64
Cash float - Star Bar R 50.00
Bank error in our favour R 2 700.00
Canopus and postage May 1998 accrued R (1 334.12)

Proposed: E Finlay Seconded: W Lange

6. Librarian's Report

This was rather an uneventful year for the library. The usual letters and newsletters from other Societies as well as the astronomical journals were received during the year. The Library continues to be used by society members but not to a large degree. There should be more interaction between members and the committee/librarian on what books should be purchased. It has been a hectic year and I could not give the deserved attention to the task at hand. The selection of Astronomical books available locally is not amazing and if members come across books in magazines or the Internet that seem of interest, they should mention them to the committee.

On a more positive note, Tony Golding, a committee member has lent a PC to the society. This will be used to catalogue the Library's books and track who has books. It would be best to run ACCESS 97, but this will require more memory. If anyone of the members have spare computer memory to run in a 486 (72pni) it would be most welcome.

Proposed: E Dembsky Seconded: C Volschenk

7. Curator of Instrument Report

The curator of instruments stated that whilst he has not allocated much time to the maintenance of the instruments they are generally in reasonable condition,. Some work is still required to the Papadopoulos Telescopes. The Jacobs Observatory has not been used and requires cleaning and attention. He hopes to give more attention to the outstanding tasks in the following year.

Proposed: M Hannibal Seconded: E Finlay

8. Increase of fees

After some discussions and debating between various members and the committee, it was put to the vote to

The main motivations were the loss of membership and the rising Fees of producing and posting Canopus

The outcome was as follows: 18 for increase,              5 against          no abstention
                                                 23 for new family fees  0 against         no abstention

Proposed: G Corbett Seconded: W Lange

9. Election of committee

The following members were elected to the committee:

Messrs.  C Volschenk, E Dembsky, W Lange, C Penberthy,  E Finlay, F van Nieuwkerk,
              R Barbour. T Golding, M Hannibal
and Mrs. M Chitters.

Proposed: E Finlay Seconded: D Overbeek

10. Other Business

Mr. E Finlay thanked the committee for a job well done and explained that it had been a stressful year in the life of the Centre, in view of the uncertainty of whether the Centre was able to stay on at the premises. This had fortunately been resolved and the accommodation of the Centre looks secure at the Observatory for the foreseeable future. He also made a most welcome donation to the society for which the chairman thanked him wholeheartedly.

11. Closure

The AGM was adjourned at 20h07 and all presented were invited to participate In the "bring 'n braai" organised by the committee.

Chairman (C Volschenk) Secretary ( W Lange )
